Update From Pastor Hal

Hope all are well! Yesterday was one of those awkward Sundays. Very cold and that made it more of a challenge to get out for services. We still had around 30 so it was a good day for the weather. Let me touch on a few things:

January 20th and 24th are days set aside to organize and clean up the VCC building. We need to sort through some accumulated items. If YOU have something at the building that belongs to you, it would be helpful for you to take it home. Otherwise, some “wholesale” clearing out will take place and some things may become casualties. We need to do some carpet cleaning. We need to weed out a few rooms and get rid of some items we haven’t used for a while (and have no specific plans to in the future). Please try to make it out for either or both dates to help. One is a Wednesday (weeknight @ 6:30) and the other after services on a Sunday. 2-3 hours is all that will be taken each date.

Are there folks that you’d LOVE to see give VCC a try as their possible new (or first) Church? Some of them may not feel comfortable at a Sunday service, but would come to a gathering designed for simple fellowship and casual interaction. That’s the purpose of the next “Saturday Sounds Night”. It’s on Saturday, January 16th (THIS Saturday) at 6:30 PM. There will be music from the local group “Sandy Boys” (featuring VCC’s Dennis Hummel on guitar). They play a mix of oldies, inspirational and fun music. We promise that everything presented will be “family-friendly” and appropriate for the a gathering in this location. So have someone with you when you attend. It’ll be just like going to a coffee house.

Also, we have in the past had some Sunday theme days at VCC. I’m proclaiming Sunday, January 24th as “My Favorite Boots Day”. Just come to service that day wearing the boots you own that you like the best or best represents who you are. Show them off and be ready to share the “story”.

We also have our expert Church Fellowship Team working on some new and creative gatherings for February and March. We worship on God & Jesus Sundays, but we build relationships & friendships at our fellowships. Take advantage of them when they are scheduled.

Hope your week goes well enough that you can attend service THIS NEXT SUNDAY. We are looking at the 4 most necessary traits we need to survive and thrive as a believer in this current culture. So far we have Courage & Character. Drop by and see what it will be THIS SUNDAY. Our praise time will be top-notch too.

Aloha – Hal

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