Message From Pastor Hal 5/22/18

First…thanks to everyone who has been making an effort to be present at Sunday services. The last 2 weeks we’ve surpassed 60 and its a great thing to witness. Our gathering is always better when we all can be present. Those who have missed be sure that all those present really do miss you and look forward to seeing you very soon.

We received many donations for the VCC Outdoor pantry at the Farewell Fellowship for the Armentrouts. One such donation was accompanied by a note: “Vision Church is my family in America, thank all of you for helping my family. You are all great, wonderful people. We love you, Nora & David”.

This week at Vision we will take time to REMEMBER. Our message theme is a reminder to memorialize some very vital things in our lives. Ourselves, others and (of course) God. Never forget to Remember.

It is also the last Sunday to sign up to appear in the Vision pictorial directory. If you can’t have your picture taken, please plan to submit electronically a picture. You can send it to this email address. It will be included. There is a long list of folks wanting Sunday, June 3rd after service for their picture, but if you can anyway make plans for a photo on Saturday, June 2 from noon to 3 please do so. Even if its just stop by while running errands. Thanks.

At the end of June we will be recreating a new servers & lobby door schedule. If you’d like to serve by passing communion / offering plates, by opening service with a short thought or help by being a point of contact in the lobby as service happens, please contact Hal. All play a key role in our Sunday experience.

Hope the remainder of your week goes well. The holiday weekend approaches so make sure you reserve some time for Vision & God on Sunday morning.

Posted in Message From Pastor Hal

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