Bowling League starts 1/12

Some of us are joining a bowling league on Tuesday nights at Brunswick Zone in St. Peters. It starts a week from Tuesday, January 12th and runs for ten weeks. It is at 6:00 p.m. except for the first week, there is a meeting at 5:30 to go over the league rules, etc. We would love to have others from Vision Christian Church join us. It is open to adults and kids and cost is $12 per person per week. Each team will consist of four people. If you would like to join us you may sign up online at the following link. Each person should sign themselves up and if you have others that you want on your team, just put their names in the box under league. If you don’t have enough for a team, but you want to join us, just put you would like to be with other VCC members in the box under league and they will try to put you on a team with other VCC members. Please let us know if you signed up, or need help signing up. Also if you don’t want to be on a team every week, but would be interested in being a sub for someone if they can’t make it one week let us know. We really hope some of you will join us.  Sign up soon before it fills up!

This should be a lot of fun, get us through ten weeks of winter and a great fellowship time.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to Lisa Armentrout or Patty Loeschner (
Link to sign up:

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