Message from Pastor Hal

A message from Pastor Hal:

Our message this past Sunday was in line with the theme for Easter @ VCC…”Fear of Missing Out”…making sure we focus on what God allows us rather than what WE desire to have.

Joe W. stepped forward to share that he has a strong desire to be closer to God. Pray for Joe and encourage him as you have opportunity

We now have two outstanding chances to serve…we need people to volunteer to be part of our trash pickups along our newly assigned 1/2 mile of HWY T. And we also have a chance to take a week in the spring, summer and fall to mow the Church property using the Church’s mower. Please sign your name and contact info at the lobby table next time you are at the building.

We also have some “Invite Cards” at the building that are helpful in engaging our friends and family to get them to attend VCC on Easter.

Please pray for: “Julie” who is a family member of Gene W. She is having some real severe respiratory issues and is in the hospital. Also pray for Sue E. (Ron E. family) who is failing and getting weaker each day. Betty E. is recovering from some minor foot surgery at home.

Thanks for your continued interest in VCC. We look forward to sharing a service or event with you soon.

Enjoy the week…and BE the Church for others. Hal

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